Are you ignoring Oral health ? Do not neglect your dental health issues. Ignoring or not paying attention to them can cause you unnecessary hindrance in the future.

As your mouth is the first part involved in the process of your Digestive System. Teeth also get connected with other parts of the body that aids in Sensory Reception / Transduction and proprioception ( perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body).

In fact, Losing teeth can cause problems like chewing, speaking etc. Losing teeth also deframe our Face’s structure. Teeth help preserve the length of the face as well as the structure of the jawbone. It is also recommended that dental damage can never be neglected as the jawbone requires the teeth to regenerate and to stay healthy. According to Study, on a tooth loss the bone underneath tends to degenerate making the entire jaw bone poor leading it vulnerable to infections and fractures. But both of these issues can easily be avoided only by visiting the best dentist in Bangalore and opting for dental implants that strengthen the jawbone, preserve the natural characteristics of the teeth, and even avoid sensation.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a new dental reconstruction procedure using a titanium implant that serves like a root attached to a normal dental crown. The most visible part of the implant is the natural crown as the implant lies in the jawbone below the gum line to give the implant a strong grip. Titanium, a biocompatible metal, completely fuses the jawbone over time, providing a natural tooth feel by a method called osseointegration.

Implants have many benefits over old teeth replacement procedures as they provide a permanent alternative, provide a natural appearance and need no additional maintenance than other methods, such as dentures or bridgeworks, require. Furthermore the implants belong to separate groups on the basis of their surface. Some implant surfaces are coated with hydroxyapatite and most have a plasma covering. The architecture, coupled with surface treatment, distinguishes one type from another.

There are mostly two types of dental implants:

  1. Endosteal
  2. Subperiosteal.

The endosteal remains in the bone while the subperiosteal implants lie on the jawbone beneath the gum tissue. However, based on their effectiveness, endosteal implants are still in operation.

In addition to teeth restoration, implants also assist with some dental therapies. They are used to secure removable dentures that act as anchoring devices. In addition, Micro implants are used for orthodontic procedures and for moving teeth. There are incredibly thin implants that tend to shift the teeth to the desired location. They are temporarily added to the bone for the purpose and removed after the purpose has been served.

The use of software coupled with intraoral screening makes it easier to select the size of the implant, its location and the angle at which it should be positioned for best success.

In certain cases, where a very small jawbone is left or no bone at all for anchoring, bone graft is required. Another way to get inserted in such a situation is to derive support from the basement bone. Cortical part of the jawbone is used in Basal Implantology to insert implants specially designed for implantation in the basal bone. Basal bone has various properties and is thick, less resistant to infection and provides a solid foundation for implant protection.

For those who have lost all their teeth due to deterioration or gum disease, four implants known as ‘All-on-4’ Implant will provide a secure and supportive denture.

For the implantation of a full denture; 14 teeth may be placed on 6 implants called 'All on 6' in dental terms.

With advances in implants and therapy methods, We ToothAffair, the best Dental Clinic In bangalore provides the effective rate of dental implants with equivalent to 98% and beyond.

Get all dental solutions with the best dentist in Bangalore at ToothAffair. Contact now to book an appointment -  080-37518704 / 9606305454